Thursday, 23 November 2017


In order to learn more about how to develop my character I read the article called 'Get to Know Your Characters by Giving Them a Questionnaire', written by Charlie Sierra. Here he wrote about what had inspired him in 'Riding the Alligator' by Pen Densham – an Oscar nominated filmmaker with 16 features and over 300 hours of TV under his belt. Pen Densham writes about the importance of developing your characters and getting to know the characters that will be in your film.

Pen Densham suggests that people should create a list of questions to ask the character, so you can get to know who they are and how they behave. Instead of conducting a questionnaire we have decided to use the idea in a way that works better for us, which is to 'hot seat' our character in an interview. We did this in the form of a therapy session where it was set a year after her traumatic experience at her aunty's house. By doing it in this form, it is a lot more relevant to our trailer. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent use of research into character development.
    I look forward to seeing the video of the interview attached.



MEGAN SEDGWICK 1473 CLAREMONT FAN COURT 64680 I WORKED WITH: Alexandra Macleod 1472, Josephine Dean 1470, Francesca Tarpey 1476 ...